Monday, November 24, 2008

just as i thought

its time to comment on the in state holy war that took place this past weekend. the match up i am speaking of is of course byu vs utah. now i know that byu was suppose to really give the utes a run for their money and put up a good game, which they did, for a half. then about mid way through the 3rd quarter its as if the wheat was separated from the tares the cream of the crop in the mountain west began to separate from its competition . utah out played, out hustled byu and showed that they are indeed the better team and the best in the mountain west. its b.c.s. bound once again for the 12-0 team the second time in just four years. they deserve it and its a shame that the bigger universities and conferences have a complex that these smaller schools cant possibly compete for a national title. i personally think that
1- they are scared of the humiliation that it will be to loose to a lesser conference with the national title on the line.


2- they are the most greedy s.o.b.'s next to the ceo's of these car companies and banks that are looking for government bail out money.

seriously utah deserves a shot for the national title, the second time in 4 years they have gone undefeated. they killed the big east team pitt four years ago proving that they can compete with anyone and i feel they will compete this year. go utes!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

project number #3

the narrative projected for my creative writing class is now up. let me know what you think!

Monday, November 17, 2008


the republican party is already looking adamantly towards 2012. this is the message sent from the republican party meeting that took place this past weekend. what happened to all that talk of unity that john mccain and sarah palin preached as they campaigned? nice strategy coming from the right wingers here i have to say. how do they think that this country is going to come together acting like this. it humors me to think that they could have in some alternate universe won this election and be the people coming into power. how much better off would we be? i think this proves that we as a people made the better choice of the two candidates. and to bank on 2012 already and just pretty much give up on the status of america at our present time i think says a lot about these people. look the republican party is in dire need of repair and a whole different vision then what it has had for the past eight years and the platform it preached in this presidential election. these people do not appeal to the average american. you can be childish and have a mean mentality all you want, that doesn't mean that people will choose to follow.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a moment of a lifetime

last night i sat in front of the television and watched history be made. as Barack Obama was elected the 44Th president of the united states. i still don't think that the fullness of this event has hit me, i still cant really grasp my mind around it, it almost seems too surreal.

growing up in Utah i have to say sheltered me from a lot of the racial tension this nation has had for years and years and years before my existence. it has always been something that puzzled me even from a young age. i have always had the belief of accepting another person based upon who they are not the color of their skin or race. i was taught a strong lesson early on in life while playing at a friends house who was of Polynesian descent. his name was Michael and we were in the same second grade class. he lived with his grandparents at the time and while playing at his house one day he said, my grandpa doesn't like you. i was puzzled by this of course, why is that i asked. he said it was because of the color of my skin. i didn't know what he meant by it. how was i any different then my friend or anyone else. i asked my parents when i got home later that evening and the bubble that i had known began to be popped. i was gaining exposure to an issue that still baffles me to this day.

i mention this story because to me Obama is a great qualified person that i feel will lead this country into the direction it needs to be. many in our nation however need to have this bubble of superiority in race and thinking begin to be popped so that we as a country can move forward. what a great time to be alive. honestly this for our time is the amazement and realization that we as a country are ready for and deal with and conquer the issue of race. this event is something i know my kids and grand kids will ask me about years down the road. i am honored to have witnessed myself and participated in such a monumental election, and look forward to what the future holds.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

free 99 this day only!!!!

on this here election day i think its great to announce that as long as you are a great american and do you part in the political process you can receive free items. now this seems like a great idea but then people argued that these companies are "buying" votes so this stuff is free 99 today and today only for all whether you voted or not. the items are as follows:

ben and jerry's - free scoop of ice cream
starbucks - free coffee
chick-fil-a - free chicken sandwhich
krispy kreme - free doughnut

Monday, November 3, 2008

its almost over!

so this past weekend i learned something valuable, don't discuss politics with some people. some people just don't have the common courtesy that you show to them when they are voicing their view's. they want to be heard and not listen. i had a nice discussion turned shouting match turned this isn't going anyway because you keep cutting me off, after i gave you the respect obviously that respect isn't mutual.
its weird to me how some things in life are so "personal" to people that they feel the need to act like children to defend them. i don't have a problem explaining myself and my views and why i feel a certain way. but some in this world simply shut down all healthy communication skills they may have and turn into a caged monster thinking the world is against them. its humorous quite frankly.
but i am glad this election year is almost over as of tomorrow it will be then time for the courts to settle out whatever they deem as unfair if needs be. also though i don't know what i will talk about for my weekly posts once the election has happened. i am sure that the president we have all grown to love over the past 8 years will provide me with something, in fact i know he will. thanks george w. bush!!!!