Monday, September 29, 2008
win, lose, & or draw
so the debate between the two national presidential candidates is in the books and i call it a draw. i mean obama would win in overall presence and the way he conducted himself but he didn't deliver the knock out punch. McCain was way too stiff and seemed really unsure of himself for most of the debate. this weekend comes the vice president debate, which should be very interesting. a man who is way too outspoken versus a lady that rarely gets to talk without having McCain's approval. we have five weeks till the big election and i cant wait to see how this all shakes out.
Friday, September 26, 2008
yar!!!!!!!!!! it be smooth sailing ahead!
so i think i have it figured out why i have been stuck in traffic each and every morning for about a month and a half now. that's right, i was on my way to work even a little late from the time i usually leave so i was nervous about the traffic that would soon be surrounding me on my commute to work. however upon turning down the first street i felt like i was in a alternate universe. there were no cars, anywhere. where is everyone i thought? i continued down the road and pass the middle school in my neighborhood. the parking lot was as vacant as a grocery store parking lot on Sundays in Utah. then it occurred to me that my little sister had just had parent teacher conferences a few nights previous and they had today off. this has been the cause for all the traffic. these bratty little kids with way too overly protective parents that don't want johnny or Suzy to walk the block to two blocks to school because they are mommy and daddy's little angel's. come on the weather the last month has been fantastic and you shouldn't be babying your kids, teach them a lesson tell them to walk and you would probably be surprised at how well they will do on their own. don't get me wrong its going to take them sometime because most parents these days are not good parents, they are way to protective of their children that the child has a long tough hard road in life ahead of him or her due to the fact that you suck at being a parent and they will not have the skills needs to make that transition into a independent free adult who has a good work ethic. life doesn't always hand us things on a silver platter, in fact my parents stopped helping me out financially when i was in high school i was on my own to earn and have the things i wanted, and i thank them for teaching me from an early age the reason for hard work and establishing a good work ethic early.
anyways i just was happy that today my drive to work was smooth sailing. good day.
anyways i just was happy that today my drive to work was smooth sailing. good day.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
oh! my website!
hey here is my website that i have created. take a look around. have a drink or two. and let me know what you think.
hey here is my website that i have created. take a look around. have a drink or two. and let me know what you think.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
corporate america (venting from the working class)
here is the problem corporate America and i want you to hear me loud and clear. i am completely fed up with the run around you and the rest of the business executives give to those you pay to make your pathetic corporations make the move ahead. your cheesy grins and lies that seep from your well clinched jaws are beginning to fall on deaf ears. we are not all as stupid as you are hoping. some of us have a back bone and know how to use it. don't stare me down claiming that you have a open door policy and will take and answer any question head on, just to dodge the issue when a valid point on your mistake is brought to you. you want quality but you pay for quantity. those of us who bust our ass to see the bigger picture and make it happen get lost in the shuffle. the back door meetings you people concoct, where you sit in you comfortable offices with your emails that talk on us need to be made public. to me this is the cowards way of "dealing" or "handling" the issue. you know that you are in the wrong so deal with it the only way that you can. promote those who don't deserve one bit of recognition and show those who give their all and succeed the door telling them they just "don't fit in the corporations bigger plans" you make me sick you low life schmucks, and i am going to be call bull shit on this i am not going to be pushed around, and i most certainly wont be swept under the rug.
the way i see it the people in power right now are those that were part of the "change" movement that was so passionate in the 60's and 70's of America's youth. fight to change the world as you saw it the world your fathers handed down that suppress the dreamer and changed the inner person into cold numb feeling yes men. well look in the mirror. what do you see? to me you were nothing more then a poser then for the "cool" trends of the day and didn't really have any self worth or motivation to take and make a stand for what you believed in not just during those confusing times called youth but for the rest of your lives. and all these years later take a good hard look in the mirror and you will see a fake a complete and worthless fake that sold himself and herself short of what you were as a youth. you pathetic swine, you have no clue as to what those people at the core of the movement for change saw because you where nothing more then a person along for the ride as long as it benefited you.
consider yourself warned.
the way i see it the people in power right now are those that were part of the "change" movement that was so passionate in the 60's and 70's of America's youth. fight to change the world as you saw it the world your fathers handed down that suppress the dreamer and changed the inner person into cold numb feeling yes men. well look in the mirror. what do you see? to me you were nothing more then a poser then for the "cool" trends of the day and didn't really have any self worth or motivation to take and make a stand for what you believed in not just during those confusing times called youth but for the rest of your lives. and all these years later take a good hard look in the mirror and you will see a fake a complete and worthless fake that sold himself and herself short of what you were as a youth. you pathetic swine, you have no clue as to what those people at the core of the movement for change saw because you where nothing more then a person along for the ride as long as it benefited you.
consider yourself warned.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator
Andrew Ayrton, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Soup Landmine Palin
god bless her soul she is a wonderful mother, and her radical ideas and theology on the world's conditions or lack of international experience obviously make her my pick to lead this and all nations. world domination is just around the corner and my mom is leading the charge.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
an indefinite hiatus
so here i am a huge fan of music and i found myself thinking the other day what is it with many bands that i listen to and consider myself a fan of, coming to the conclusion of a "indefinite hiatus" when the bands time has run its course.
what is an indefinite hiatus?
The Urban Dictionary defines indefinite hiatus as follows:
indefinite hiatus - when a band doesnt know when they are gonna get back together and perform or release another album
to me this says hey we will be right back, so sit tight. so then the waiting sets in. the days turn into months, months into years and still the band leaves me and all of its other fans with the impression that some day in the near future they are suddenly going to pop back onto the scene and everything is going to be A-OK. however we have to face the harsh reality that they've been lying to us all along and just didn't want to be "that" bad guy or band that is a bunch of assholes so they take the easy way out and just avoid the issue.
bands and record labels take heed, are we as fans too fragile to have you all just come clean with the masses with something as simple as we broke up? or say something like we are done, over with, through, hoping in any chance in us getting back together are less then zero. would this cause mass chaos and start the end of humanity? why is it that the truth is too tough to tell those that you, the band and label for that matter, need you to be honest to them the most? its a harsh reality i know, but i think most music listeners can take it, most are mature people and have dealt with the pains of the present not matching up with the future. people change, situations change, lets face it change is constant. most of us are exposed to this pain all through out our lives, whether its the divorce of parents at a early age, the loss of a job that we loved, or the ending of a relationship's and friendships whether because of our will or the will of others. things end we as humans can deal with this experience and whatever pain may come as a result of it, and from it grow stronger, while having a respect for the past as a learning experience. so please bands in the future, don't use the lightly treading words of we are currently on a "indefinite hiatus" unless, infact:
a- you as a band have decided to take a vaca to a distant island where modern communication is not possible.
b- the band has every intention on getting back together but you just need a break from touring, from music, from your band mates. --- at which point don't use some lame-o fluffy statement as indefinite hiatus but choose something simple like break, or time off.
to those that have chosen this route of indefinate hiatus i say consider the promise of what your fans consider you have made and come back, come back and ROCK like you did oh so long ago.
you know who you are!
Friday, September 12, 2008
who in their right mind????
“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.” - Sarah Palin Vice President Candidate for the Republican Party 2008
Thank you Sarah for this quote, now lets stop and think what you just said. You are saying that we are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. That God a Christian God that claims in the Bible is not a respecter of persons has now changed his biblical cannon and decided that yes America is MY country, and that the leaders who run it are MY representatives. That the missions our miliatry personal are given to execute from these corrupt people we have in washington are indeed MY wars which we will win hands down.
Are you kidding me? Seriously?
Look just because we put "In God We Trust" on our currency, and the people that founded this country were God fearing people that based its original founding morals on Christian and God-inspired values, doesn't mean that they still hold true in our present day. This is a different world we live in, and a lot has changed since 1776. For one, have you not stopped to think that these people who live over in the Middle East that we are fighting dont believe in God? Their version of God might just be a different extreme of the same God you are claiming has inspired our leaders to send our troops on this is called God send task. No from this statement i dont think you have, that couldn't be the same God, God wouldn't consider any other nation or people of this world his creation. Its only that superior America and that's it, am i wrong?
Now if you want to get technical about who's who among God's people, there Sarah then lets turn to that Biblical cannon that you so admittedly love, Gods people based upon this book here claims that his people are the Jew's. Shocking I know but it states it right there in the Old Testament the promise that God made with the Jews that they were, are and always will be his "chosen" people. Now I thought that God was a unchanging God, and certainly we are not all Jew's here in the country so it sorta makes me wonder what is going on here, how is it that you are able to claim something like this?
Enough sidetracking. Look this radical idea thinking person says something like this and we don't have Americans questioning the fact that she is running to be the next vice president of the United States? Is this was people actually believe that its us verus them, and God has decided to get himself a new team and forget about everyone else? Huh I guess my announcement of this monumentous event must have been lost in the mail.
Don't get me wrong I love America, I love this country, I love its values and its right and privileges that it ensures me as a person, and I understand that freedom comes with a price, there is going to be conflict, and struggles among people and nations, but to claim something this absurd that we have God sending our troops and not any other country doing so, is unbelievable.
My personal opinion is God has decided to stay out of situations like this because its going to cause more problems then its worth. Instead of taking the bullying approach we should be trying different efforts to work this out, it would be difficult i know but not impossible.
I think Bill Clinton said it right at the Democratic National Convention when he said, " People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." Is what we are doing over in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan the Christian way, did Jesus ooh and awe people of his time by blowing up buildings and killing people saying it was a task from God? No, he didn't, he lead by example, he was humble in the way he went about things, and we don't need to flex our power on terror to try and scare people into our way of thinking. what problems do you think this is going to create years from now? Fear God but love your neighbor and please Mrs. Palin don't ever make some claim like this again without realizing that humanity as a whole was and is God's creation.
Thank you Sarah for this quote, now lets stop and think what you just said. You are saying that we are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. That God a Christian God that claims in the Bible is not a respecter of persons has now changed his biblical cannon and decided that yes America is MY country, and that the leaders who run it are MY representatives. That the missions our miliatry personal are given to execute from these corrupt people we have in washington are indeed MY wars which we will win hands down.
Are you kidding me? Seriously?
Look just because we put "In God We Trust" on our currency, and the people that founded this country were God fearing people that based its original founding morals on Christian and God-inspired values, doesn't mean that they still hold true in our present day. This is a different world we live in, and a lot has changed since 1776. For one, have you not stopped to think that these people who live over in the Middle East that we are fighting dont believe in God? Their version of God might just be a different extreme of the same God you are claiming has inspired our leaders to send our troops on this is called God send task. No from this statement i dont think you have, that couldn't be the same God, God wouldn't consider any other nation or people of this world his creation. Its only that superior America and that's it, am i wrong?
Now if you want to get technical about who's who among God's people, there Sarah then lets turn to that Biblical cannon that you so admittedly love, Gods people based upon this book here claims that his people are the Jew's. Shocking I know but it states it right there in the Old Testament the promise that God made with the Jews that they were, are and always will be his "chosen" people. Now I thought that God was a unchanging God, and certainly we are not all Jew's here in the country so it sorta makes me wonder what is going on here, how is it that you are able to claim something like this?
Enough sidetracking. Look this radical idea thinking person says something like this and we don't have Americans questioning the fact that she is running to be the next vice president of the United States? Is this was people actually believe that its us verus them, and God has decided to get himself a new team and forget about everyone else? Huh I guess my announcement of this monumentous event must have been lost in the mail.
Don't get me wrong I love America, I love this country, I love its values and its right and privileges that it ensures me as a person, and I understand that freedom comes with a price, there is going to be conflict, and struggles among people and nations, but to claim something this absurd that we have God sending our troops and not any other country doing so, is unbelievable.
My personal opinion is God has decided to stay out of situations like this because its going to cause more problems then its worth. Instead of taking the bullying approach we should be trying different efforts to work this out, it would be difficult i know but not impossible.
I think Bill Clinton said it right at the Democratic National Convention when he said, " People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." Is what we are doing over in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan the Christian way, did Jesus ooh and awe people of his time by blowing up buildings and killing people saying it was a task from God? No, he didn't, he lead by example, he was humble in the way he went about things, and we don't need to flex our power on terror to try and scare people into our way of thinking. what problems do you think this is going to create years from now? Fear God but love your neighbor and please Mrs. Palin don't ever make some claim like this again without realizing that humanity as a whole was and is God's creation.
Monday, September 8, 2008
is somebody out there? can anyone hear me?
so why is it that every road in this valley seems to be lined with orange barrels cutting down the flow of traffic and causing me and everyone else to sit and wait. i could understand if this was a summer only thing but its not its, now drifting into fall and they will be greeting us as the holiday season rolls around i know. it seems like these construction agencies, tare up a road, get it all fixed just to do the same 2-3 months later. do the job right, do it well, and then lets talk in 4-5 years down the road. i don't think this is too much to ask really. i mean i realize that if they had the all curing payment mixture that lasted years and years then yeah they would be out of a job because you can only build so many roads, but think about the money that is being spent to supply the crappy materials that they are putting down every few months that are either:
a- torn up within just a few months because joe smoe forgot to put a end cap on the what-cha-ma-call-it when they were doing the work previous
b- the fine quality payment begins to crack and cause ginormous sink holes when winter rolls around. (some of them do swallow cars whole, trust me i know!)
lets face the harsh reality UDOT, whatever it is you are using is not quality made.
a- torn up within just a few months because joe smoe forgot to put a end cap on the what-cha-ma-call-it when they were doing the work previous
b- the fine quality payment begins to crack and cause ginormous sink holes when winter rolls around. (some of them do swallow cars whole, trust me i know!)
lets face the harsh reality UDOT, whatever it is you are using is not quality made.
and another thing if they are going to fix the road get in, and get out don't take days upon days to dick around and do what ever it is they do. don't greet me stop sign guy after you have sat there and starred with your cool guy sun glasses for 5-10 minutes through your construction zone of dirt mounds. do you not realize that these are precious moments of my life that you are taking and i will never get back? not to mention the reprimanding you are guarantying i will receive from the boss who is now chapped that i am not on time? thank you and good day.
fake talk express
is it just me or does anyone else really hate listening to politicians stand up in front of large crowds and bold face lie through their teeth as too what they will and will not do should they take office? watching the democratic and republican national conventions over the last few weeks i have seen a lot of this. now its ridiculous to assume that each and every politician is going to follow through on each and every promise. i don't think that's happened since George Washington was in office, if it even happened then. but now a days and as i have gotten older i see more and more we are promised heaven by these people and given hell. taxes increase, the economy decreases, inflation is through the roof and hourly pay for a honest days work is put on the back burner to compensate.
once this reality of where our society as a whole is currently at and what we are moving towards is realized, the question we should then be asking ourselves is which of these two candidates is the lesser of the two evils? which is most like to be less of a idiot once he is in office? i mean we are stuck to choose between one or the other. we don't really have any other choice. i don't identify with these people they don't have my best interest in mind, but as a patriotic American it is my constitutional right to vote. and vote i must! or i could be like so Americans that don't vote and then bitch bitch bitch about whats wrong yet don't do anything to try and change it. voting i think through time shows change but not massive change all at once like these guys are promising.
November is going to be a tough month well the start at least. hopefully its not the debacle of 2000 nor the approval for a job poorly done as it was in 2004. they are promising us change, but will their honestly be any "change" and will it be for the better?
please check your facts people and vote with what is really going on. I highly recomend this website to do so.
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