Friday, September 12, 2008

who in their right mind????

Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.” - Sarah Palin Vice President Candidate for the Republican Party 2008

Thank you Sarah for this quote, now lets stop and think what you just said. You are saying that we are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. That God a Christian God that claims in the Bible is not a respecter of persons has now changed his biblical cannon and decided that yes America is MY country, and that the leaders who run it are MY representatives. That the missions our miliatry personal are given to execute from these corrupt people we have in washington are indeed MY wars which we will win hands down.

Are you kidding me? Seriously?

Look just because we put "In God We Trust" on our currency, and the people that founded this country were God fearing people that based its original founding morals on Christian and God-inspired values, doesn't mean that they still hold true in our present day. This is a different world we live in, and a lot has changed since 1776. For one, have you not stopped to think that these people who live over in the Middle East that we are fighting dont believe in God? Their version of God might just be a different extreme of the same God you are claiming has inspired our leaders to send our troops on this is called God send task. No from this statement i dont think you have, that couldn't be the same God, God wouldn't consider any other nation or people of this world his creation. Its only that superior America and that's it, am i wrong?

Now if you want to get technical about who's who among God's people, there Sarah then lets turn to that Biblical cannon that you so admittedly love, Gods people based upon this book here claims that his people are the Jew's. Shocking I know but it states it right there in the Old Testament the promise that God made with the Jews that they were, are and always will be his "chosen" people. Now I thought that God was a unchanging God, and certainly we are not all Jew's here in the country so it sorta makes me wonder what is going on here, how is it that you are able to claim something like this?

Enough sidetracking. Look this radical idea thinking person says something like this and we don't have Americans questioning the fact that she is running to be the next vice president of the United States? Is this was people actually believe that its us verus them, and God has decided to get himself a new team and forget about everyone else? Huh I guess my announcement of this monumentous event must have been lost in the mail.

Don't get me wrong I love America, I love this country, I love its values and its right and privileges that it ensures me as a person, and I understand that freedom comes with a price, there is going to be conflict, and struggles among people and nations, but to claim something this absurd that we have God sending our troops and not any other country doing so, is unbelievable.
My personal opinion is God has decided to stay out of situations like this because its going to cause more problems then its worth. Instead of taking the bullying approach we should be trying different efforts to work this out, it would be difficult i know but not impossible.

I think Bill Clinton said it right at the Democratic National Convention when he said, " People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." Is what we are doing over in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan the Christian way, did Jesus ooh and awe people of his time by blowing up buildings and killing people saying it was a task from God? No, he didn't, he lead by example, he was humble in the way he went about things, and we don't need to flex our power on terror to try and scare people into our way of thinking. what problems do you think this is going to create years from now? Fear God but love your neighbor and please Mrs. Palin don't ever make some claim like this again without realizing that humanity as a whole was and is God's creation.

1 comment:

John said...

Palin=ROAR! (and not in the good way)