Monday, November 3, 2008

its almost over!

so this past weekend i learned something valuable, don't discuss politics with some people. some people just don't have the common courtesy that you show to them when they are voicing their view's. they want to be heard and not listen. i had a nice discussion turned shouting match turned this isn't going anyway because you keep cutting me off, after i gave you the respect obviously that respect isn't mutual.
its weird to me how some things in life are so "personal" to people that they feel the need to act like children to defend them. i don't have a problem explaining myself and my views and why i feel a certain way. but some in this world simply shut down all healthy communication skills they may have and turn into a caged monster thinking the world is against them. its humorous quite frankly.
but i am glad this election year is almost over as of tomorrow it will be then time for the courts to settle out whatever they deem as unfair if needs be. also though i don't know what i will talk about for my weekly posts once the election has happened. i am sure that the president we have all grown to love over the past 8 years will provide me with something, in fact i know he will. thanks george w. bush!!!!

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